Keyboard Maestro 7.0.2-Mac OSX | 19 MBWhether you are a power user or a grandparent (or both!), your time is precious. So why waste it when Keyboard Maestro can help improve almost every aspect of using your Mac. Even the simplest things, like typing your email address, or going to Gmail or Facebook, launching Pages, or duplicating a line, all take time and add frustration. Let Keyboard Maestro help make your Mac life more pleasant and efficient.
What's New in Keyboard Maestro 7?
More Macro Triggers
Trigger your macros with hot keys that are down, pressed, released, or tapped multiple times. Or trigger with a change in window focus or folder or clipboard.
Insert Action by Name
Press a hot key, and then type in part of the name of an action to see a list of possibilities. Press Return or double click to insert it. With so many available actions this can save a lot of time.
Share with a click
The new Share button on the toolbar lets you easily share macros to the Forum, or via messages, email and more.
Group Actions
Group actions together then try, enable or disable them all. Give the group a name with the new rename feature in the gear menu so you can easily keep track of what you're doing.
Gear Menu
Each action now includes a Gear menu to enable, disable, try, rename, add notes, set colors, or get help, as well as copying the action as text or an image for easier sharing.
Macro Inspector
The Macro Inspector window tells you when you created, modified or last used a macro. You can also see how many times you've used it and how much time it has saved you.
Mouse Display Window
The new Mouse Display window shows the mouse coordinates as your cursor moves around the screen. Set the corner of screen or window to measure from, then copy the results into your action.
Display Text LargeNow actions that return results or display text can Display Large. This is very handy for showing important results or for getting serious attention.
Integrated Help
Each trigger, action, token, function, condition and collection links directly to the wiki. Option select from the addition or insertion menus to go directly to help for exactly that item. Control click on an action, or use the gear icon to call up the help you need.
AutocompleteAs you type text tokens, functions, variables and search tokens possible completions appear right at the cursor. Select the one you need and have it entered for you.
Themed Palette styles
Fancy a palette with a blue background, autumn, red wine or custom colors? With a dozen new presets, the ability to set how many columns and how they sort, your Keyboard Maestro palettes will always look just the way you want them.
So Much More
With over a hundred new features or improvements, you're sure to find exciting new possibilities for your work.
OS -Mac OSX 10.7 or Later
Title: Keyboard Maestro 702Mac OSX
Size: 19.45 MB | Format: rar
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