Grids for Instagram 3.2.2 (x86/x64) | 31 MbGrids is a beautiful application designed to provide a clean and user-friendly environment for browsing your Instagram account. The best part is that you get to connect multiple accounts and seamlessly switch between them.
Responsive UIClean and smart UI works amazingly at fullscreen as well as at widget-size.
NotificationGet notification when there are new feed, followers, likes, comments, mentions or requests.
Achieving All TasksLike, comment, follow, search, explore.
Pixel-PerfectAutomatically adjust layout to window size, presenting Instagram photos beautifully.
Multiple AccountsSwitch between multiple accounts seamlessly.
BookmarksBookmark people, location, hashtag or single photo/video.
Title: Grids for Instagram 322 x86x64
Size: 29.51 MB | Format: rar
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