Bergdesign Peeler 1.0.1 | MacOSX | 5 MbPeeler is a graphics program that can "peel" logos and illustrations off their backgrounds, producing transparent backgrounds. Peeler is the evolution of our long-time Photoshop plug-ins... "Peel-Off White" and "Peel-Off Black".
Peeler "peels" a graphic image off of its background much like peeling a transparent sticker from its backing.
The result is a transparent image with colors true to the original image that can be layered or composited into other artwork or simply used as-is on other backgrounds.
Peeler is ideal for repurposing logos, clip art and illustrations with white or black backgrounds and for lifting drawings and sketches from scanned papers.
Peeler preserves the true pixel colors, and it allows you to make adjustments to the opacity of the result.
Title: Bergdesign Peeler 101 Mac OSX
Size: 3.87 MB | Format: rar
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