Applied Scanning Probe Methods III: Characterization by Bharat BhushanEnglish | 22 Feb. 2006 | ISBN: 3540269096 | 416 Pages | PDF | 9 MB
The Nobel Prize of 1986 on Sc- ning Tunneling Microscopy sig- led a new era in imaging. The sc- ning probes emerged as a new i- trument for imaging with a pre- sion suf?cient to delineate single atoms.
At ?rst there were two - the Scanning Tunneling Microscope, or STM, and the Atomic Force Mic- scope, or AFM. The STM relies on electrons tunneling between tip and sample whereas the AFM depends on the force acting on the tip when it was placed near the sample. These were quickly followed by the - gneticForceMicroscope,MFM,and the Electrostatic Force Microscope, EFM.
Title: Applied Scanning Probe Methods III Characterization
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